Courageous Leadership

Coaching & Consulting

Are you a tiger or a lion?

January 20, 2022


Gung Hai Fat Choy (wishing you great happiness and prosperity!

February 1 is the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Yang Water Tiger bringing forth a new energy.

It is said that the Jade Emperor replaced the lion in Chinese astrology with the tiger because of the tiger’s humanitarian leadership and courage. You see the lion was more a boss than a leader.

Whether you resonate with Chinese astrology or not, we find ourselves once again entering a very new time. A time that is undeniably calling leaders to task: to become more humanitarian in our leadership and draw upon the courage needed to change, or on some level like the lion, be replaced.

Who we are and how we show up creates an impact.

Ask yourself these five questions:

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How to Access Greater Certainty in This New Year

December 30, 2021

Wishing you, your team and family a triple A year filled with great Awareness, Abundance and Awesomeness!💖🙏

So what would be possible if you could tap into an information source that has the potential to provide greater certainty in 2022?
This information source is the same one I’ve used in navigating the last two decades of my business and life and certainly the one I’ve heavily referenced in the last two years.
This information is not so much predictive as it is a universal, 4000-year old system that tracks energy patterns in nine year cycles which includes a greater 81-year cycle of our lifespan.
In these times of great uncertainty, I wanted to share it with you so that you too can experience greater certainty when you apply this information.


How to Experience Greater Certainty in 2022!
One empowered, 90-minute webinar with recording and reference sheet for the year!
As we head into another very new year at this unprecedented time on this planet, it can be quite helpful to understand the power cycle and dynamics at play universally and then individually.
With this understanding, we feel more certain, are more equipped and better supported in making more strategic decisions from our higher brain, circumventing painful, lower brain choices.

Here’s an example:

If according to your birth year you are a 9 in this system, put your seat belt on.
Who you are at the beginning of the year will be very different from how you are at the end your year.
You might also experience accelerated change right from the start of the year and once again in the fall.
You’ll want to know what to put in place to both harness and maximize this year so you’re not thrown off balance or burn out before achieving your aspirations.
As you head into 2023, you will be experiencing very different energy than you might be accustomed to so understanding this shift can set you up for a more certain experience.

Here’s what we’ll cover in our time together:

1. Understand YOUR Higher Power Cycle (HPC) influence through 2036 which often provides insight into your greater purpose. This information alone can be quite validating and transformative.
2. Learn about the Power of 2022 with specific strategies for how to navigate the year, personally and professionally.
3. Discover the influence of this year as it corresponds to your 2021 and 2023 cycle. This helps interrupt sabotaging patterns for wiser choices.
4. Gain insight into the monthly energy flow throughout 2022 and how that aligns with your specific aspirations.
This is a small group offering so seating is limited.
Date: Thursday, January 13, 7:00pm
Investment: $165 with final registration closing January 7. 
Value add: Private 40-minute 2022 session: $150 special before December 30 only. A calendar link will follow upon registration to schedule your session.
Hope to see you on the call!
Thank you!

The Power of Words

December 26, 2021
If you’ve participated in my various Courageous Leadership Empowerment Programs this year, you’ve likely heard me say, Word Create Worlds.
There is great power in the words we choose, yet we may not always take the time to choose our words wisely.
For example, rather than coming up with New Year’s Resolutions, try Declaring Your Aspirations.
Aspire means to breathe life into which is why I prefer aspire over goals.
Check in now, which word feels better?: Aspirations or Goals?
How about Declarations or Resolutions?
According to the dictionary, Resolution means the act of resolving and the subsidence of a pathological state (such as inflammation).
Declaration means to make known formally, officially, or explicitly; to make evident and to state emphatically.

New World, New Year, New Importance

To some it may seem like a subtle difference perhaps not worth the effort.
However, in this very new world in which we find ourselves, subtly and discernment will become increasing more important.
Here’s another subtly. It’s not just a matter of switching out a word. It’s about deeply leaning into how it feels to have already achieved our 2022 aspirations and from this empowered, feel-good place, habitually declaring our aspirations!
When we consistently declare our aspirations from a place of conviction and empowerment, we literally create greater certainty. The experience of our aspirations becomes inevitable. Perhaps experiment with this for the New Year and by all means, do share your feedback.
So in this New Year, do seize the opportunity and check in on your words. Notice the power in your choice and the way you feel. If you don’t feel empowered, choose differently, no matter what it is.
From this place of empowerment, you will begin to create and experience greater certainty in your life!
~As you choose, so you become~
Teresa Colaneri inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche


Lead with Joy and Success is Inevitable

December 21, 2021

May JOY be a part of your daily experience.

May you embody the joy, happiness, abundance or whatever other feeling that lights you up this holiday in a way that becomes your new fuel in 2022.

Because when you do, you will experience the life of your heart’s desires.
Experiencing business and life from these elevated emotions are the secret sauce for your best life.
I’m so very grateful that you are part of my community and life!
Wishing you, your team and family a holiday season filled with magic and brilliance!
We need joy as we need air
We need love as we need water
We need each other as we need this earth we share
~Maya Angelou

Leading with Gratitude

November 22, 2021

May You Lead with Gratitude Today and Always

As you’re preparing to share in a delicious meal with your loved ones, please know how very grateful
I am to have you in my life.
And should you find yourself in times of overwhelm, may you choose to be overwhelmed with gratitude, blessings, and love that is so readily available for us now. All for US!
Finally, I’ve been sharing this Harvest Prayer for almost twenty years with the intention of others
sharing it. If you feel called, please share it with your loved ones today.
And may you take the gratitude and blessings that you are more aware of today, into your week, month and years ahead, As you know, gratitude is a powerful antidote for any overwhelming or challenging situation.
Beautiful blessings to you , your family and your teams this Thanksgiving.