Courageous Leadership

Coaching & Consulting

New Year Evolution or Resolution?

January 4, 2023

Whether you’re making new year resolutions or goals,  I believe the more important consideration is how are YOU becoming new in the process?

Consider this last year.

How did YOU become NEW in 2022? How are you planning on becoming NEW this year?

This complex world in which we find ourselves is rapidly becoming new. New as evolving into something very different than we’ve ever known. So new in fact, that many are finding it difficult to handle the intensifying daily complexities . Burnout, overhwhelm, and frustration are more the norm.  It is often that we become new in the face of trauma. And this trauma, is often designed to evolve us because prior to that we weren’t budging.

Whether it’s loosing a job, or a partner or how about your home? In the face of these traumas, how do you continue to not just carry on but carry on and thrive?
What tools do you have? What are you accessing from within yourself to know which tools will even provide the best outcomes?

If we don’t  cultivate the power from within ourselves on a daily basis , we’ll continue to suffer, feel disempowered,  continuing to seek answers from outside ourselves, feel  unfillfed and overwhelmed. Cultivating our power is not something we are taught. It often requires the guidance and leadership of someone who is already practiced in it. If you are ready for new, a new way of experiencing your business and life, please get in touch for a complimentary, discovery session because becoming NEW is the new currency leading to new thinking, being and becoming in this evolving, complex world.


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